Kids Big Fun Day Ou

Lions Club Australia are involved in establishing and managing a range of national projects, activities, foundations and initiatives. Their community funding initiatives go towards funding medical research, heath care, assisting adults and children with disabilities, emergency response, and other purposes to help the community.

Infinity Constructions Group have proudly supported their mission and vital programs by working with Lions Club Parramatta for over 20 years.

Lions Club of Parramatta are a group of empowering volunteers who are dedicated to making their local community a better place to live, work and grow.

Lions Club of Parramatta recently held their 25th Annual Kids Fun Day Out event for the local special needs children. This annual event was a jam packed ‘fun filled’ day of entertainment for children with cancer, wheelchair bound, cystic fibrosis, autism, and epilepsy to name a few.

Infinity Constructions Group was proud to be involved with this great event again this year.

A wonderful day for all who attended!