• What is iCIRT?

    It is an Independent Construction Industry Rating Tool (iCIRT). This is an industry-led market surveillance tool using a star-rating methodology to allow clients to choose...

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  • Why was iCIRT established?

    iCIRT was established to help build confidence in the construction industry and much needed transparency and visibility of operators.

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  • Whose Initiative was the iCIRT Program?

    Created by Equifax, iCIRT is an Independent Construction Industry Rating Tool to assess development and construction professionals and their projects. The digital rating tool is...

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  • How Does iCIRT work?

    iCIRT gives development and construction professionals a rating between zero and five stars to help identify building professionals with a proven track record. Building professionals undergo an...

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  • Who does ICIRT apply to?

    iCIRT is currently a voluntary certification program, however, may become mandatory. Currently, iCIRT rates only applies to builders, developers, and certifiers of class 2 buildings...

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  • Can Infinity 4.2 Star Gold star iCIRT rating change?

    Yes, iCIRT star ratings are an annual assessment.

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